Ancient Temples and the Dragon energy   Leave a comment


The Temple of Padang Bai


I believe that  the reason I came to Bali has something to do with the Ancient Temples and the energy of this land.  There is something deeply profound of what the original Gods gave to mankind and what they wanted us to hold onto throughout the ages and what we are destined to go through on Planet Earth  once again.  This is the time of a deep change and rekoning.  Last night at 4:44am I began a morning meditation.  Once more to come into an alignment with the powers that are contacting me.

I like to say politely ‘Divine Mother’  or even Vishnu/Garuda the incoming Avatar.   Because these are names and images that have been around for ages.  Of course the Garuda is a Buddhist/Indonesian/Hindu type image, but for me I know what this Being means.   Many years ago in my visions and dreams I saw an immense Bird Being, sometimes with two heads.

I often was taken aback by the power of this image and wondered why it was showing ‘Itself’ to me.   Who and why?   I did research about it and who it could be, a Godlike being with a bird/Human and also Dragon like body.   This was several years ago He first appeared to me.




At that point I found out about Garuda and Quetzalcoatl.  Two bird like God figures in Human history.  Was he returning and giving warning?  What had it to do with this Grand Temple I would also see in these visions?   Often I would see the temple as this immense Living Entity and also this Bird-like Garuda/Quetzlcoatl as the alive Temple and vessel WE are all within, if this makes any sense at all to anyone possibly reading this.  It has been suggested several times that the energies of Christ and Quetzalcoatl are the same or at least closely associated.  Also Krishna/Vishnu is also associated with Christ energy for sure.  Before coming to Bali I was told this is the land of the Heart of the Christ Consciousness.

Well, for me here today, with this immense Vishnu/Garuda starring at me at this Hotel I am staying at in Padang Bai, I had to open  up the energy in my blog for speaking of it.  These past few days I have felf the immense incoming energy, but have kept the blogging just a superficial diary.  Why?  Why have I not spoke of  truth about what I am seeing in the higher Realms?  Am I afraid of  being shunned or people thinking  I am nuts for focusing on it all the time?  Is it that I have an obsession with God?  Like right now I am writing about this rather then swimming at the beach.   What is that about?  Total craziness!?

Last night when I went to dinner, I met with the same man I had seen at the restaurant earlier in the day. One of the only people around that speaks english!  Most tourists I have seen here are French is seems.  Anyway,   Keith from New Zealand.  His daughter and grandchildren live in Bali.  Speaking to him of my visions once again reminded my why I don’t usually talk about it and why I have become like an undercover agent for the Divine, like a  sleuth, quietly going about my innerwork affairs….


Temple Priest on the stairs


This is because it makes people think I am from some other planet or that I am crazy or on hallucinogenics.    Either that or they get freaked out about what I am saying.  Very few people in this world can really digest this kind of information. So every once in a while I just allow myself to say what is going on in this mind of mine. 😉 But mostly So I just keep it all inside myself. I quietly keep the connection going with what is going on and for all these years, awaiting the return of these Higher ET/Divine ONES to return to us and show us the reason for the Temples/Pyramids and the legacy they left to remind us of Them.

Their legacy is our common wealth, says  Freddy Silva who  is one of the world’s leading experts on sacred sites, and a leading researcher into the interaction between temple and consciousness.  He writes:

Following a global catastrophe in 9703 B.C., groups of Sages embarked on a mission to rebuild a worldwide network of temples that would maintain indefinitely a society in balance with itself and with the cosmos.

These places of power were constructed at magnetically sensitive locations and according to prescribed laws that are capable of altering states of consciousness. But not only did temples become repositories of an incredible ancient science, they would also serve as an insurance policy in times when people lost sight of the fact that they too are gods.

Can temples really transform ordinary humans into extraordinary beings?

Bestselling author Freddy Silva examines the origins of sacred places and what makes them so, from pre-diluvial mansions of the gods to the resurgence of ancient knowledge in the modern era, and asks:

Why did our predecessors source the earth force?

What and where is paradise?

Are sacred mountains geometrically aligned?

Where does deity descend to earth?

Who were the 15-foot tall gods?

How are temples aligned to a world grid?

How do fables encode numerical codes?

Why do periods of temple-building pre-empt climate changes?

What secret did the Knights Templar bring back from Jerusalem?

What is the angle of manifestation, and what is it doing in a capital city?

The aim of the temple-builders was to preserve and transmit a body of spiritual knowledge capable of transfiguring the soul, for just as they once discovered, this knowledge offers a solution to our loss of confidence in the spirit, and through this self-empowerment we become masters of our selves.

So for me this is what I am doing in Bali.  Connecting to the consciousness of the place.  This is why all this touristy stuff is all nonsense to me really.  If I could have just focused on the temples of this place it would have been interesting.  Usually to go in them doesn’t really matter to me.  It is just to be present in the entire energy of the land.  I am only a vessel to hold the frequency until they return.  The return of the Gods is what I am awaiting.

Here in Bali, India, Egypt, Peru, the Yucatan    all the ancient lands  where these  Temples exist, I know it is in the heart of Gaia and it is not needed for me to be in any certain country or temple to ‘Feel’ the energy.  I can go back to the USA or Canada and be in the energy of these Temples from anywhere. It is inside of me now, like an implant….It is like have internet access to anywhere.   I have been to the Great Pyramid in Egypt, meditated at the Pyramids in the Yucatan and absorbed the energy of the Mother Temple here in Bali.   Here I sit by the pool at the hotel on a very small island archipelago in Indonesia and it could be reaching someone in Russia or Brazil.  This is the same with this Temple Entity that seemed to call me to Bali.  I feel it from anywhere I am, it is.  This was about a balancing of the Divine Feminine for me for sure.


People gathering at Temple Goa Lawah


I will admit however that since I have come here the energies are revved up quite a bit indeed!  Is it because I am here?  Or have the flood gates opened?  What is it that made the difference I wonder?  When I first came I thought I would fast and pray, get myself in prime, divine shape energetically.  Then after a while I was just seeking balance in my  life.  The fasting and eating only fruit was hard on my inner self while being here it seemed. Was it really necessary?

So i have just been going along from day to day, holding the space, not that interested in the tourist things.  Spending money and all of it seems a waste to me, I am over it.

I am a space holder for the ONES, this much I know. I will do this where ever I am.    IT has to do with a Divine Mother of all Mothers and Her Temple of Light.  It is about this Dragon-Bird Like Being that is a vessel, a vehicle, like Garuda for Vishnu.  This is what I do see and know is what they are showing me in the visions I see.Dragon stairways at temple Goa Lawah

If I could hypothesis about what this is all leading up to I would have to say we are all in this together as ONE consciousness, WE are Transforming this whole Earth into a New Form. This is what this Quetzalcoatl Being is representing here. The merger of Heaven and Earth, God and Man, Male and Female.  The Kundalini in the sushumna -Ida and Pingala as ONE Consciousness.

It is my guess  that the rapid development of technology and the destruction of the biosphere are material by-products of a psycho-spiritual process taking place on a planetary scale. We have created this crisis to force our own accelerated transformation – on an unconscious level, we have willed it into being.  It is happening beyond our understanding as a part of Human evolution.  We created the destruction of humanity so we can evolve.   WE have to come into balance.  This is what Bali is representing  for me somehow.  A balance point between light and dark.

A crucial aspect of Enlightenment is the balancing of our brains, and on a larger scale the Earth’s, hemispheres.   A pre-requisite for the Mass Enlightenment to happen at the completion of creation on October 28, 2011 is that such a balance is created.  ( as quoted from Carl Johan Calleman)


Quetzalcoatl/dragon image seen on many temples here in Bali


The creation of such a balance is really what sets an end to our externalizing of inner conflicts and a return to living fully in the present. This is exactly the change that we may expect the energy of Quetzalcoatl to help bring about – if we co-create its manifestation in the physical realm. If Quetzalcoatl is a symbol of the energy of light and this energy is now falling on the Eastern Hemisphere, it can and  will  indeed serve to create a balance. within the inner realms of Humanity.  I do feel this is why I am here, and why I have continually been seeing this image come up.  This image has several meanings and it associated greatly with the sacred Kundalini power, in the individual as well as the Earth’s entire body.

Coatl is the sacred snake whose movements mirror the way that Kundalini energy moves up the spinal column awakening the wheels of light that surround each of the major body centers. When this serpentine energy reaches the crown chakra at the top of the head, we are one with the Universal. Quetzal is the sacred bird that connects Earthly power with the Heavenly realms of the universe. Together the Quetzal and the Coatl are the creatures that are closest to the earth and heaven as well as representing the sacred balance of female and male.


Goddess Saraswati sitting on a serpent


Posted October 13, 2010 by rhajaranijewel in Uncategorized

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